Login Help
In order to join NEU Splash, you first need to log on to this web site. If you have not already done so, please create an account now. Note: Creating an account does not register you for any programs.
If you've forgotten your username/password, you can use our password reset page as long as you still have access to the email you used to register. The reset will remind you of your username and ask you to reset your password. If you do not have access to that email account anymore, send us an email.
If you tried logging in and it says your password is invalid (even after password recovery), then chances our your browser doesn't support cookies. Please visit Google's guide to cookies.
If you've gone to the password reset page but you haven't received the reset email, it's likely that the automatic message sent by our website with a link to creating a new password may have been marked as spam by your email client. Please check your spam folder.